
I love infographics and plan on create a couple of Wagner related ones myself when I have the opportunity. There are a few interesting ones already out there though and I link through to the best of them below.

Wagner’s Ring Cycle Genealogy by SilverDrgnbane at DeviantArt
wagner_s_ring_cycle_genealogy - small

Ms OperaGeek has a delightful Ring Family Tree over on her site.

A Wagner vs Verdi Infographic from

This leitmotif graphic from Spydus is worth checking out:

Marty Kirschen has some Ring Family Tree/Story Inforgraphics for sale in his on-line store at


and a black & white version which is freely distributed:


This graphic from Opera North focuses on the orchestral requirements:

Finally, these are in German and I have no info on where they come from, but they look pretty good!


(130725) — BERLIN, julio 25, 2013 (Xinhua) — Esta semana el mundo prestar¨¢ especial atenci¨®n a Bayreuth, Alemania, y su festival, que en 2013 celebra el 200 aniversario del nacimiento de Richard Wagner con una representaci¨®n de las cuatro ¨®peras del ciclo “El anillo del nibelungo”; la nueva versi¨®n de la tetralog¨ªa corre a cargo de Frank Castorf. Las hermanas Katharina Wagner y Eva Pasquier-Wagner, biznietas del compositor y codirectoras de Bayreuth, programaron para la apertura del festival la ¨®pera “El Holand¨¦s Errante”, con Christian Thielemann como director. (Xinhua/Estefan Cuanalo) (es) (sp)